Lead your students
back to books

Book Taco transforms student independent reading with a gamified approach, blending differentiated learning activities with exciting rewards and interactivity.

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Student Dashboard

The student dashboard
empowers learners

Our student dashboard provides learners with the tools they need to take charge of their educational journey. This centralized hub offers comprehensive tracking of progress and achievements.

Through an intuitive interface, students can easily monitor their statistics, including books read, coins earned, points accumulated, page counts, albums, badges, quizzes, and more.

The dashboard also allows students to track their activities and progress in real-time, ensuring they stay motivated and informed about their learning journey.

Manage books: discover and
engage with a vast library

The Manage Books module enables your students to easily search our vast database and find books that are part of the Book Taco program.

Students can engage with their selected books through various activities and quizzes designed to enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the reading material.

This feature empowers students to explore new books and continuously challenge themselves with interactive content, fostering a lifelong love for reading and learning.

Manage Books
Differentiated and interactive learning experiences

Differentiated and interactive
learning experiences

When students choose a book, they enter an interactive hub with various modules designed to enhance their reading experience.

In the Log Reading module, students can track their reading time while reading to their virtual pet, Pookie. They can also test their understanding with our engaging Book Quiz.

Our hub includes gamified Vocabulary and Spelling activities, a Writing Prompt module for creative writing, and Graphic Organizers for visualizing the story and character analysis. Finally, students can share their thoughts in the Final Review, rating their book experience.

Help students track their
reading with our reading log!

In the Reading Log module, students can track their reading time by reading to Pookie and using a built-in timer. They can also log their reading sessions by entering the date and duration.

This tool allows students to create a comprehensive reading history, helping them stay organized and aware of their progress. It's an excellent way to encourage consistent reading habits.

Moreover, as students read, they earn time to play with their Reading Pet, adding an element of fun and motivation to their reading experience. This gamified approach keeps students engaged and eager to read more.

Reading Log

Fun quizzes with
serious accountability

After reading a book, students tackle an interactive quiz, testing their comprehension and retention. These quizzes provide immediate feedback and help reinforce key concepts from the reading material.

Teachers can analyze quiz results to identify areas of strength and improvement, enabling them to tailor future lessons for maximum efficacy. This feedback loop ensures that instruction is always evolving and responsive to student needs.

Completing quizzes also rewards students with coins, activity points, and other incentives, making the learning process more engaging and motivating. This gamified approach enhances the overall reading experience and encourages continuous learning.

Enhance creativity
with writing prompts

Our Writing Prompt module allows students to choose a topic from fiction or non-fiction books and draft one or two paragraphs about the selected topic. This activity encourages students to reflect on and understand the story.

By selecting a prompt, students can explore their thoughts and ideas about the book, enhancing their comprehension and analytical skills. It's an excellent way for them to express their understanding and creativity.

Teachers can use these writing exercises to gauge students' grasp of the material and provide valuable feedback, making the learning experience more meaningful and personalized.

Writing Prompts

Visualize learning with
graphic organizers

Our Graphic Organizers module offers various activities that help students visually organize their thoughts and understanding of the story. These tools make learning interactive and fun.

In the Compare & Contrast activity, students pick two characters and list descriptive words to show their similarities and differences. The Draw It! activity encourages students to draw a scene they enjoyed from the book.

The Story Map helps students describe the characters, setting, and the beginning, middle, and end of the story. These activities enhance comprehension and retention by engaging students in a creative and analytical process.

Gamified learning: unlock badges
and motivate students!

Encourage your students to dive into reading with our gamified system. As they complete books and activities, they unlock a variety of badges, celebrating their achievements.

These badges motivate students to continue reading and participating, turning their progress into a visual and rewarding experience.

The excitement of earning badges fosters a love for learning, making reading an engaging and motivating adventure for students.


Join exciting
classroom contests!

Students can participate in exciting contests organized by their teachers. These contests challenge students to meet various goals such as Book Quizzes, Activity Points, Final Reviews, Pages Read, Reading Logs, Word Count, and Non-Fiction Books.

Each contest is a chance for students to showcase their skills and compete in a healthy, fun environment. Participation helps students stay motivated and engaged in their learning.

At the end of the contest period, winners are celebrated and can be rewarded with prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement and achievement to their educational journey.

Celebrate achievements with certificates of completion

Recognize and celebrate your students' reading accomplishments with Certificates of Completion. When students reach a reading goal set by their teacher, they earn a certificate marking their achievement.

Students can earn multiple certificates for different goals, providing a tangible reward for their hard work and dedication. These certificates can be printed and proudly displayed in the classroom.

This recognition motivates students to continue striving towards their reading goals, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment in their learning journey.


Reward students
with fun games

As students read books and complete activities, they earn Game Coins. These coins can be exchanged to play exciting games on the Games page, providing a fun and rewarding incentive.

This system motivates students to engage more deeply with their reading and learning tasks, knowing that their efforts will be rewarded with enjoyable game time.

By integrating games as rewards, we create a balanced approach to learning that combines education with entertainment, keeping students motivated and enthusiastic about their progress.

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teaching experience
to the next level!
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