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teacher features

Enhance your teaching with class statistics,
achievements, student groups, comprehensive
reports, and more in the teacher portal.

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Teacher Dashboard

Unleash the power of teaching
with our teacher portal

Effortlessly track student progress with Class Statistics at your fingertips. Identify areas for improvement and tailor your teaching approach to meet individual needs.

Easily create and manage student groups to organize collaborative activities and target specific learning objectives.

Access comprehensive reports that provide valuable insights into student performance, allowing you to fine-tune your instructional strategies effectively.

Empower your classroom with
student mastery

In the Student Management menu, teachers can effortlessly view, modify, or remove students, streamlining the administrative process.

Teachers can delve into comprehensive student activity logs, tracking their engagement with a wide range of educational content, including books read, quizzes, and activities.

This valuable insight empowers educators to tailor their teaching approach to individual student needs, fostering a more personalized and effective learning experience.

Insightful Reports

Insightful reports
for informed teaching

In the "Reports" menu, educators can access a wealth of student data to effectively inform their teaching strategies.

Track individual progress, analyze group performance, and assess overall engagement with our comprehensive reports. Filter by student or group to explore insights such as Books Summary, Monthly Activity, Reading Logged, Most Read Books, and Recent Activities.

These tools empower you to tailor your instruction for optimal learning outcomes, ensuring every student's educational journey is on the right track.

Classroom badges:
celebrate with your students

In the Classroom Badges section, educators can proudly celebrate their students' accomplishments.

As your class achieves milestones, you'll unlock badges that can be shared on social media, showcasing the collective success of your students.

These badges not only recognize your students' hard work but also serve as a source of motivation, inspiring them to reach even higher.

Achievements and Awards
Manage Books

Manage books: organize and
access with ease

With the Manage Books feature, teachers can create unlimited lists of books on various themes. This flexibility allows for a tailored reading experience that meets the diverse interests and needs of students.

Teachers can add books to these lists, ensuring that students have easy access to curated reading materials. These lists can be effortlessly accessed through the student dashboard.

This organizational tool helps streamline the reading process, making it simple for students to find and engage with the books they need for their learning journey.

Create custom quizzes
for your classroom

If a chosen book doesn't have an existing quiz on our site, teachers can easily create their own quizzes to use in the classroom.

This tool allows teachers to tailor assessments specifically to the content and learning objectives of their lessons, ensuring that quizzes are always relevant and effective.

By creating custom quizzes, educators can better engage their students and assess their understanding in a way that directly supports their instructional goals.

Create Custom Quizzes for Your Classroom
Create Custom Word Lists for Your Classroom

Create custom word lists
for your classroom

Teachers can create their own word lists to use in the classroom, tailoring vocabulary and spelling lessons to meet specific learning objectives.

This tool allows for the creation of customized lists that align with the current reading materials or thematic units, ensuring that students are always learning relevant and targeted vocabulary.

By developing custom word lists, educators can enhance their students' language skills in a way that directly supports their instructional goals and classroom activities.

Create engaging contests

With the Contests feature, teachers can set up exciting competitions through the administrative panel. Select a date range and set specific goals for your students to achieve during that period.

Objectives can include Book Quizzes, Activity Points, Final Reviews, Pages Read, Reading Logs, Word Count, and Non-Fiction Books. The entire class can participate, fostering a healthy and fun competitive spirit.

At the end of the contest, teachers can reward the winners with prizes in the classroom or other incentives, celebrating their achievements and encouraging a continued commitment to learning.

Create Engaging Contests
Evaluate and Assess Writing Prompts

Evaluate and assess writing prompts

Through the teacher's panel, educators can access and evaluate writing prompts submitted by students. These prompts allow students to choose topics from various fiction and non-fiction books and write about their understanding of the stories.

Teachers can provide detailed feedback and assessments on each submission, helping students improve their writing skills and comprehension.

By reviewing and grading these writing prompts, teachers can track student development and ensure that each student receives the guidance and support they need to excel in their writing journey.

Assess student creativity
with graphic organizers

In the teacher's panel, educators can review and evaluate student submissions for Graphic Organizers. This module includes various activities where students can illustrate stories, compare and contrast characters, and create visual representations of key story elements.

Teachers can provide feedback on these creative assignments, helping students develop their analytical and artistic skills. This feature supports a deeper understanding of the material by encouraging students to think critically about the content.

By assessing Graphic Organizers, educators can gain insights into students' comprehension and creativity, allowing for more tailored and effective teaching strategies.

Assess Student Creativity with Graphic Organizers
Manage Games and Coins

Manage games and coins

Through the teacher's panel, educators can manage the games that students have access to and where they can spend their Game Coins. This feature allows teachers to filter, enable or disable games, and adjust the display order to best suit the classroom's needs.

Teachers can also monitor which games their students are playing, providing insights into their preferences and engagement levels.

By effectively managing games and coins, teachers can create a balanced and enjoyable learning environment that integrates fun with educational objectives.

Customize your teaching program

With the Customize Program option, teachers have the flexibility to tailor their teaching approach. Enable quizzes in English or Spanish, adjust the minimum passing grade for activities, and set the number of quiz attempts allowed for students.

Teachers can also define the Book Goal, and enable features such as graphic organizers and writing prompts, among other customizable options.

By customizing the program, educators can ensure that their teaching methods are aligned with their students' learning goals, fostering a more effective and engaging educational environment.

Customize Your Teaching Program
IP Block: Secure Book Quizzes for School Use Only

IP block: secure book quizzes
for school use only

Ensure that Book Quizzes are taken in a controlled environment with the IP Block feature. When enabled, students can only access and complete quizzes while connected to specified school IP addresses.

Teachers can add the school's IP address or a range of IP addresses to restrict quiz access, ensuring that quizzes are only taken at school. This prevents students from attempting quizzes at home or outside the designated locations.

This feature enhances the security and integrity of the quiz-taking process, allowing teachers to monitor and manage quiz activities effectively within the school premises.

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teaching experience
to the next level!
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